Early learning is key. Help your Child succeed.

Early learning is key. Help your Child succeed.
The 5 Keys of the childup
early learning model
The 5 Keys of the
childup early
learning model

ChildUp was founded in 2005; its team of early education experts and dedicated parents provides information, methods, and tools for parents who intend to raise successful and happy children. The ChildUp Early Learning Model is based on decades of practical, positive parenting experience in real life situations and families, backed by 21st-century international scientific research.

Newborns are ready to excel at anything.
Newborns are ready to excel at anything.
Any human newborn in good health is ready to learn any skill and excel at anything. In fact, the thousands of genes determining a baby’s brain are like switches just waiting to be turned on (or not!) by experience and the environment. The first years are the most crucial ones for building the brain, which - with around 86 billion neurons eager to connect - will never be so agile and flexible later in life.
Talent is made, not born.
Talent is made, not born.
All Children are “gifted” for nothing in particular; they are gifted for “everything”. The idea that some lucky Children may be talented from birth is a pernicious myth. A focus on effort and practice, rather than on intellect and ability, is much more encouraging. Children who believe that talent and intelligence are made, not born, get better results in any domain.
Parents as role models and first teachers.
Parents as role models and first teachers.
A strong learning culture in the family and a patient and long-lasting involvement of the parents in the learning process are essential for the optimal development of their Children’s abilities. Parents can have a critical influence on the education, schooling, career, and life of their offspring.
The goal is to be quite school-ready.
The goal is to be quite school-ready.
Math and language are essential for the proper development of a Child’s intellectual and social skills, which is why it’s so important to pay attention to them from day one. Well-prepared (advanced) Children starting kindergarten and elementary/primary school with solid foundations in math and language will keep this precious advantage for life.
Games are great early learning tools.
Games are great early learning tools.
Indeed, academic learning is work that requires concentration, discipline, and perseverance. At the same time, in early education, play is as important as homework. Since Children like playing, and since many games are educational (block, puzzle, card and board games being among the most efficient during the first years), it’s a smart strategy to use them as favorite early learning tools, as well as rewards.
Our Partner NGOs

We are proud to partner with nonprofit organizations who share our values and vision, considering education as a keystone of economic and social development.

International Care Ministries have been helping needy families in the Philippines for more than 25 years. One of the organization's three pillars, aside from health and livelihood, is education. To make the greatest possible impact in this area, ICM needed an effective and reliable tool. With the ChildUp Early Learning Game Cards, parents are empowered to support their children's learning at home with proven-effective, playful methods.

Since 2012, the Arcanys Early Learning Foundation has already helped more than 5,000 families in some low-income districts of Cebu City (Philippines). The foundation is providing a free, research-backed math coaching program to preschool children, with their parent's involvement. By learning the basics of math and logic according to the ChildUp Early Learning Method, children have better chances to be ready when they start school, and henceforth to do higher studies and have both a successful career and happy life.

Preschool Math Games
MATHnimals ChildUp Preschool Math Games: Learning to Count with 80 Animals (New Edition 2023)
MATHnimals ChildUp Preschool Math Games: Learning to Count with 80 Animals (New Edition 2023)
MATHnimals, the new edition of ChildUp Preschool Math Games, is a set of 110 two-sided cards showing 80 popular Animals to play 13 fun educational games. An efficient tool for parents, caregivers and preschool teachers wanting to teach the basics of math and logic to their Preschoolers.
MATHnimals ChildUp Preschool Math Games: one tool, infinite possibilities…
MATHnimals ChildUp Preschool Math Games: one tool, infinite possibilities…
Discover fun ways to play MATHnimals by watching the videos!