Unveiling the key principles of authoritative parenting

In the intricate dance of parenthood, we all strive for the most effective approach to guide our children towards becoming happy...

Preschool Memory Games


Like any intellectual, social, or physical capacities, memory skills can be developed from the first y...

Growth mindset parenting: The key to unlocking children's potential

In the realm of parenting, the concept of a "growth mindset" has emerged as a cornerstone for fostering positive and successful...

Deliberate Practice and the 10-Year Rule: What Does It Take to Achieve Excellence

What does it take and how long does it take to achieve mastery in a specific field or endeavor? According to Anders Ericsson, a...

Math & Science: Just as important as literacy for early learners

Recent research has shown that most parents and preschool teachers spend less time on math and science than language development...

The surprising benefits of fewer toys for kids

Parents often feel pressured to fill their homes with toys, especially during holidays. However, research suggests that having f...