Prompted by “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” the fiercely debated book by El Cerrito High grad Amy Chua, a UC San Diego profes...
On command, Eze Schupfer reads aloud the numbers on a worksheet in front of her: “42, 43, 12, 13.” Then she begins to trace them...
It’s more than just disliking math, according to scholars.
Math problems make more than a few students—and even teachers—sweat...
When it comes to giving your child a head start, new research suggests it’s never too soon.
Scientists at the University of Or...
By Inga Kiderra – Asian Students Study Twice as Many Hours, Says UC San Diego Economist
It’s officially the “Year of the Rabbi...
Continuing research by UC Irvine Distinguished Professor of education Greg Duncan has shed additional light on what constitutes ...
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