ChildUp Early Learning Key #4: The goal is to be quite s...
– A large new study has found that basic academic skills are learned earlier and earlier. In 2013, for example, children startin...
– Neuroscience has found that a vast majority of the human brain is developed during the early years. On the other hand, two out...
According to a new study, Danes, Germans and Japanese babies cry the least, while their peers in the UK, Italy and Canada cry th...
– A good number of parents face a disturbing prospect, the risk of their child having a speech disorder which was not detected d...
– When you gaze into your baby’s eyes, something pretty amazing happens; she or he is looking back at you. From the earliest day...
For decades, a lot of people used to believe and repeat that if you pick up your baby too often they will get “spoiled.” Fortuna...
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