Experts say that introducing math concepts to preschoolers through play and games can greatly improve their academic performance...
A picture book can be an excellent educational tool for babies tired of soft toys and cuddly animals. Experts in child developme...
The MATHnimals CONTEST starts today and runs until August 31st. So it's not too late to take part!
Create your own deck of M...
The MATHnimals Memory Game is a very effective tool created by ChildUp Early Education to help young children develop their...
SUMUP-TO-20 is an exciting game developed by ChildUp Early Education to teach young children to count to 20. This game utiliz...
Grab a chance to win PHP 10,000, PHP 5,000, or PHP 2,000 (PHP 10,000 is currently worth around $172) with MATHnimals! How? By jo...
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