Intensive reading programs can produce measurable changes in the structure of a child’s brain, according to a study in the journ...
It's the middle of the daily math lesson and Julianne Kerschner tells her class to gather on the big blue carpet at the front of...
“Boys will be boys,” the old saying goes, but have we forgotten today that tumultuous, moody, energetic and occasionally contrar...
"Why does my young adolescent have such wandering attention?" "Why is my 23-year-old taking so long to act grown up?"
Many par...
Touch. Talk. Read. Smile. Sing. Count. Play.
These are seven simple strategies you can use to build your baby's brainpower.
It's an excellent party trick: un, two, trois, four, cinq, six, sept … counting while switching languages. It has also been the...
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