On command, Eze Schupfer reads aloud the numbers on a worksheet in front of her: “42, 43, 12, 13.” Then she begins to trace them...
Teacher’s aide Jacob Sepulveda is a favorite in Classroom 3 at the Cornerstone Center location of the Mohawk Valley Community Ac...
Continuing research by UC Irvine Distinguished Professor of education Greg Duncan has shed additional light on what constitutes ...
I will be discussing the facts, statistics, and misunderstandings regarding ADHD in the U.S., and how music can play a role in l...
To the debate over nature vs. nurture (or, as it has shaken out recently, Amy Chua vs. Bryan Caplan), my colleague Motoko Rich r...
It was another hectic morning in the pediatric clinic of Bellevue Hospital Center in Lower Manhattan, where the clamorous waitin...
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